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Monday, 4 October 2010
Meeting was held at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru, concering Data Harmonisation Workshop, organised by MITI.
Seen in the picture were Mr Amran Sameon of MITI, KL and Mr. Shaharuddin of Mineral & Geo-Science Department of Johore.
Amran Sameon from MITI (sitting on the centre) was just finish officiating the ASEAN Data Harmonisation Workshop held at Thistle Hotel Johore Bahru.
Seen in the picture was participants who attended the ASEAN Data Harmonisation Workshop - sorry, picture is not clear.
Amran Sameon was listerning to the speaker before leaving Johore Bahru for Kuala Lumpur by flight that evening, after finish delivering his "key-note address" for the Workshop.
Amran Sameon was listerning to the speaker before leaving Johore Bahru for Kuala Lumpur by flight that evening, after finish delivering his "key-note address" for the Workshop.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers were delivering their talks on Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru and to answer questions by workshop's participants.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers delivering their talks on Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru to answer the questions posed by workshop's participants.
The speakers who were presented their power-point presentations during the ASEAN Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel in Johore Bahru recently.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers were delivering their talks on Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru to answer questions posed by workshop's participants.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers delivering their talks on Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru to answer certain questions posed by the workshop's participants. Seen in the picture were Mr. Kenneth Tiongs from the Malaysian International Chinese Chembers of Commerce and Industry (MICCCI) and Ms Eva Chan from the DagangNet Technologies Bhd.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers delivering their talks on Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru to answer certain questions posed by workshop's participants. Seen in the picture were Mr. Kenneth Tiongs from the Malaysian International Chinese Chembers of Commerce and Industry (MICCCI) and Ms Eva Chan from the DagangNet Technologies Bhd.
Mr Amran Sameon was delivering his comments during speakers deliberation at Data Harmonisation Workshop at Thistle Hotel, Johore Bahru to answer certain questions posed by workshop's participants. Seen in the picture were Mr. Kenneth Tiongs from the Malaysian International Chinese Chembers of Commerce and Industry (MICCCI) and Ms Eva Chan from the DagangNet Technologies Bhd.
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