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Monday, 14 June 2010
Visiting the Royal Malaysian Customs Automatic Containers Checking sensors at Customs Gate at North Port of Port Klang.
Amran Sameon of MITI (far left) and other member of the team visited the site for the new sensor just newly installed at the Customs Gate at North Port, Port Klang.
Still visiting the Royal Malaysian Customs Gate's for Containers sensor at North Port, of Port Klang. Amran Sameon (left) together with Customs Officers.
The Customs Officer was explaining to the visitors on the importance of installing such equipments to detect the products inside the containers.
Amran Sameon was giving his views during the discussion at the site of the Royal Customs Gate's sensor at North Port, Port Klang.
Seen in the picture were Mr Yusof (Deputy State director of Customs of Selangor); Mr Khairul (Manager, North Port); Mr Basir (senior Manager, North Port); Amran Sameon of MITI and Mr. Awang Din of Customs HQ, Putrajaya.
Lorries contains of Containers were passing through the Gate at North Port of Port Klang.
Another area of the North Port at Port Klang, where we can see equipments to facilitates Trade during load and un-load of containers to the carriers / ships.
Amran Sameon was received the wooden-plaque as "token of appreciation" on behalf of MITI from the North Port, which was represented by Mr Kunny (Assistant General Manager of North Port).
Seen were Amran Sameon, Mr Kunny, Mr Basir, Ms Chan (Director of Malaysian Productivity Corporation - nstanding next to Amran) and Mr Yusof of Selangor's Customs.
Amran Sameon was received the wooden-plaque as "token of appreciation" on behalf of MITI from the North Port, which was represented by Mr Kunny (Assistant General Manager of North Port).
Seen were Amran Sameon, Mr Kunny, Mr Basir, Ms Chan (Director of Malaysian Productivity Corporation - nstanding next to Amran) and Mr Yusof of Selangor's Customs and Mr Abdullah of MPC.
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