As expected in many areas in the United Kingdom, some tourists went to certain places due to nostalgia memory. This was the intention of our trip to Brighton and Worthing, where it’s located in the south of England – at the frontage of English Channel Sea.
The reason being was, I was an overseas student for post graduate certificate course for 4 months on Private and Public Financial Management conducted by the Sussex University of Brighton, in collaboration with the Crown Agents Training Centre of Worthing.
One of the days, we droved down with our Mercedes car from London to south of England and when we reached Worthing, we try to locate our home at Ridge Road in the Worthing town. We managed to meet Mrs Khan (the land lord) and talked to her on our previous memory lane during our stayed in Worthing. We used to rent one of her room in her house during my studied at the University of Sussex.
During weekends, we normally went to the seaside, especially at the piers and watched many white peoples together with their families went there and played with all sort of games at the pier that located right on the sea.
We went with the same purpose and we had the intention of visited interesting places at Worthing town and Brighton city.
