Beijing City
Just for information:
Here is some of the survey concerning cost of living for expatriates in major cities of the world.
Here is some of the survey concerning cost of living for expatriates in major cities of the world.
According to the China Daily indicated - "Beijing costlier than Hong Kong, survey finds - strong Asian currencies push up costs for international workers ":
• Results of survey, conducted in March 2009 and released on 10 June, indicates that strong domestic currencies, such as the Renminbi and the Yen, are pushing up the cost of living for expatriates sent to major Asian locations.
• Results of survey, conducted in March 2009 and released on 10 June, indicates that strong domestic currencies, such as the Renminbi and the Yen, are pushing up the cost of living for expatriates sent to major Asian locations.
Beijing City - modern
• Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong are the 26th, 28th and 29th most expensive cities, respectively, for expatriates.
Tokyo City
• Luanda, Angola, is the most expensive city in the world, followed by Tokyo, Nagoya, Yokohama and Kobe. Rankings of other major cities include Geneva (8), Brussels (34) Washington (46) and New Delhi (217).

Washington DC
• ECA International website ( indicates that within ASEAN, Singapore is the most expensive city (rank 72 worldwide), followed by Bangkok (174), Vientiane (183), Hanoi (186), Jakarta (190), Manila (202) and Kuala Lumpur (210 ).

City of Jakarta
City of Singapore
City of Kuala Lumpur
• ECA International survey compares a basket of 125 consumer goods and services commonly purchased by expatriates.
For our information, ……. salam.
For our information, ……. salam.