Dira Aisha Amran attended her primary school in London, starting from year 3, till year 6. Her previous school before London was the St. Teresa Primary School in Kuching, Sarawak. Her school in London was the Christ Church Bentick School, Marylebone Road, in the City of Westminster of London. She managed to sit and completed her SAT examination, which is similar examination to UPSR in Malaysia.
She attended quite a number of extra curriculum activities which was organized by her school. Her schoolmates and classmates came from various races, i.e. English, various Arab ethnics from middle-east (i.e. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordanian, Lebanese, Iranian, Syrians, Iraqi, and Yemenis), Afghanis, Chinese, black African, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and whites from Eastern Europe.
Dira Aisha participated for the co-curriculum activities together with the rests of the students. Dira Aisha Amran attended her extra curriculum activity which was organized by her school. Her schoolmates and classmates are on the stage and can be seen Dira Aisha standing on the centre with the rests of her classmates – training for the acting on stage's show.
Dira Aisha Amran is on stage with her classmates and schoolmates – training for the stage show. She is in number 5 from left on the picture. She attended her extra curriculum activities in her school.